Sorry, I was pulled away to another work. I will provide info soon, but I liked more first approach with rid (just make it short), because it not modify Caller ID or contact header. Right now I noticed when contact overwritten it use;params that causing show on the phone wrong caller and record it into history log in client as well to CDR. Example if I call from ext 4300 to external number 12345678901 record will be long_id not 4300. The only way I was be able set original extension is in mode 2 AOR throttling which not use contactid.

#### REGISTRAR module
loadmodule ""
modparam("mid_registrar", "mode", 2)
modparam("mid_registrar", "insertion_mode", 0)
modparam("mid_registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(RECEIVED)")
modparam("mid_registrar", "max_contacts", 10)
modparam("mid_registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", "TCP_PERSIST_REGISTRATIONS")
modparam("mid_registrar", "outgoing_expires", 900)
# Old way
#modparam("mid_registrar", "contact_match_param", "rid")

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 5:54 AM, Liviu Chircu <> wrote:
Hi, volga!

Can you send a SIP trace of this failed call to my mailbox? It's one of those "it's working for me" situations. The mid_reg_lookup() should be smart enough to locate a contact based on its unique ContactID, when the call comes in from FS.

Regarding regid: it's completely gone now (even in 2.3), thanks for the heads up: I'll clean up the docs asap!


Liviu Chircu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 19.02.2018 22:51, wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I am back to test mid registrar and having issue with

modparam("mid_registrar", "contact_match_param", "regid")
I so comment this parmater is obsolote what correct way to set it, because opensips reject calls with 404 on location lookup. I see that contact header is replaced with CallerID and when freeswitch send reply it can't locate the cantact.
Original contact
root@casbc00 ~> [/etc/opensips]# opensipsctl ul show
Domain:: location table=512 records=2
    AOR:: 4300
        Contact:: sip:4300@;transport=tcp Q=
            ContactID:: 1205768431484279123
            Expires:: 1478
            Callid:: 567846761-2141...@bjc.bgi.ij.cch
            Cseq:: 2027
            User-agent:: Grandstream GXP2140
            State:: CS_NEW
            Flags:: 0
            Socket:: tcp:
            Methods:: 6015

Feb 19 15:45:20 casbc00 /usr/sbin/opensips[2049]: looking up [sip:1205768431484279123@] Feb 19 15:45:20 casbc00 /usr/sbin/opensips[2049]: ERROR:mid_registrar:mid_reg_lookup: no record found for sip:1205768431484279123@, ci: a413e68c-9058-1236-7e9c-5254003e39bb
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