Hi Ye,

The changes I am making are part of the EPW/QE code and so the parallelization 
depends on the QE MPI routines. I have no problem using mp_sum for a 2-D array 
such as
energy(iband,ik). I can use mp_sum to add the contributions from various nodes 
and print the total in agreement with the output from the serial run. As far as 
the allocation goes, I use the same 2-D approach to my 3-D array.

The problem arises when I use the 3-D array with mp_sum. I noticed that in the 
Modules/mp.f90 file, there is a subroutine as follows:

      SUBROUTINE mp_sum_rt( msg, gid )
        REAL (DP), INTENT (INOUT) :: msg(:,:,:)
        INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: gid
#if defined(__MPI)
        INTEGER :: msglen
        msglen = size(msg)
        CALL reduce_base_real( msglen, msg, gid, -1 )
      END SUBROUTINE mp_sum_rt

Here  msg has three dimensions. There are other subroutines for 1, 2, and 4 
dimensions. Somehow, if I can get  EPW to use the above subroutine, it might 
work. Adding a statement like:

USE mp,   ONLY : mp_sum_rt

at the beginning of the file does not work as the compilation fails because EPW 
does not see the subroutine. Interestingly, it does see mp_sum which is in the 
same mp.f90 file.

So is there a way that I can get EPW to see mp_sum_rt? This might solve my 

Since I know that mp_sum works with 2-D arrays, one option is to rewrite my 
files in 2-D, one array for each x,y,z direction. I am trying to avoid this.



On Oct 30, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Ye Luo 
<xw111lu...@gmail.com<mailto:xw111lu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Vahid,
segfault in mp_sum doesn't necessarily mean a problem there. Probably you wrote 
something to output array but not in a valid place before mp_sum.
Try to check your allocation of output and the copy make sure they are correct.


Ye Luo, Ph.D.
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory

2016-10-28 14:33 GMT-05:00 Vahid Askarpour 
Hi Ye,

Thank you for your suggestion. I tried it and when I ran the code, it 
seg-faulted. I put flags in the code to see where the segmentation faults 
occurs. It happens as the code calls mp_sum. It seems that mp_sum may not
be able to handle this reduction.


On Oct 28, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Ye Luo 
<xw111lu...@gmail.com<mailto:xw111lu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

In Fortran, whatever-D array is 1-D array. mp_sum should be fine.
I saw something strange in your code that you were not copying the right things 
as you expected.
How about the following?


Ye Luo, Ph.D.
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory

2016-10-28 12:29 GMT-05:00 Vahid Askarpour 
Dear QE Users,

I am working on some modifications to the QE-6.0 code using symmetry. When I 
try to combine a 3-D array scattered across nodes, I use the following:


Here, nbnds is the number of bands, k_pool is the number of k points/pool, and 
pool_id is the id of the pool. Here I am assuming the the number of k points is 
divisible by the number of pools.

Then I call mp_sum(output,inter_pool_comm) to put all the segments of input 
across the nodes  into one output file.

When I run the modified QE code in parallel, the output file is different from 
the serial run.

Does the QE's mp_sum allow the above operation for a three-D array?

Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Vahid Askarpour
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada
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