mp_sum_rt is interfaced with mp_sum for 3d array. When you mp_sum a 3d
array, it will be automatically called.
USE mp,   ONLY : mp_sum_rt is not necessary.
If you want to check if mp_sum_rt is implicitly called via interface, you
can print something before and after your mp_sum call and also print
something in mp_sum_rt. You should find the expected printing behaviour.

if you compare the mp_sum_rt with the 2d and 4d implementation mp_sum_rm
and mp_sum_r4d, you should find they flat the dimensionality and call the
same 1-d routine reduce_base_real.

As I asked earlier, how did you allocate your 3-D arrays input and output?
Are you allocating sufficient size for the output, did you deallocate it by
mistake? How large is output array size, if it exceeds 2^32, you might hit
the 32bit integer bug of the variable msglen.


Ye Luo, Ph.D.
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory

2016-10-30 14:25 GMT-05:00 Vahid Askarpour <>:

> Hi Ye,
> The changes I am making are part of the EPW/QE code and so the
> parallelization depends on the QE MPI routines. I have no problem using
> mp_sum for a 2-D array such as
> energy(iband,ik). I can use mp_sum to add the contributions from various
> nodes and print the total in agreement with the output from the serial run.
> As far as the allocation goes, I use the same 2-D approach to my 3-D array.
> The problem arises when I use the 3-D array with mp_sum. I noticed that in
> the Modules/mp.f90 file, there is a subroutine as follows:
>       SUBROUTINE mp_sum_rt( msg, gid )
>         REAL (DP), INTENT (INOUT) :: msg(:,:,:)
>         INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: gid
> #if defined(__MPI)
>         INTEGER :: msglen
>         msglen = size(msg)
>         CALL reduce_base_real( msglen, msg, gid, -1 )
> #endif
>       END SUBROUTINE mp_sum_rt
> Here  msg has three dimensions. There are other subroutines for 1, 2, and
> 4 dimensions. Somehow, if I can get  EPW to use the above subroutine, it
> might work. Adding a statement like:
> USE mp,   ONLY : mp_sum_rt
> at the beginning of the file does not work as the compilation fails
> because EPW does not see the subroutine. Interestingly, it does see mp_sum
> which is in the same mp.f90 file.
> So is there a way that I can get EPW to see mp_sum_rt? This might solve my
> problem.
> Since I know that mp_sum works with 2-D arrays, one option is to rewrite
> my files in 2-D, one array for each x,y,z direction. I am trying to avoid
> this.
> Thanks,
> Vahid
> On Oct 30, 2016, at 3:59 PM, Ye Luo <> wrote:
> Hi Vahid,
> segfault in mp_sum doesn't necessarily mean a problem there. Probably you
> wrote something to output array but not in a valid place before mp_sum.
> Try to check your allocation of output and the copy make sure they are
> correct.
> Ye
> ===================
> Ye Luo, Ph.D.
> Leadership Computing Facility
> Argonne National Laboratory
> 2016-10-28 14:33 GMT-05:00 Vahid Askarpour <>:
>> Hi Ye,
>> Thank you for your suggestion. I tried it and when I ran the code, it
>> seg-faulted. I put flags in the code to see where the segmentation faults
>> occurs. It happens as the code calls mp_sum. It seems that mp_sum may not
>> be able to handle this reduction.
>> Cheers,
>> Vahid
>> On Oct 28, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Ye Luo <> wrote:
>> In Fortran, whatever-D array is 1-D array. mp_sum should be fine.
>> I saw something strange in your code that you were not copying the right
>> things as you expected.
>> How about the following?
>> output(1:3,1:nbnds,(k_pool*pool_id+1:k_pool*pool_id+k_pool))
>> =input(1:3,1:nbnds,1:k_pool)
>> Ye
>> ===================
>> Ye Luo, Ph.D.
>> Leadership Computing Facility
>> Argonne National Laboratory
>> 2016-10-28 12:29 GMT-05:00 Vahid Askarpour <>:
>>> Dear QE Users,
>>> I am working on some modifications to the QE-6.0 code using symmetry.
>>> When I try to combine a 3-D array scattered across nodes, I use the
>>> following:
>>> output(3,nbnds,(k_pool*pool_id+1:k_pool*pool_id+k_pool))=inp
>>> ut(3,nbnds,1:k_pool)
>>> Here, nbnds is the number of bands, k_pool is the number of k
>>> points/pool, and pool_id is the id of the pool. Here I am assuming the the
>>> number of k points is divisible by the number of pools.
>>> Then I call mp_sum(output,inter_pool_comm) to put all the segments of
>>> input across the nodes  into one output file.
>>> When I run the modified QE code in parallel, the output file is
>>> different from the serial run.
>>> Does the QE's mp_sum allow the above operation for a three-D array?
>>> Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Vahid
>>> Vahid Askarpour
>>> Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
>>> Dalhousie University,
>>> Halifax, NS, Canada
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