On Sun, 02 Sep 2012 02:37:01 +0200, Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.org> wrote:
> roundcube only supports sieve atm, but it could like horde support
> procmail aswell
>> is there any extra plugin to make exact function of squirrel mail > filters
>> ?
> nope, if more help is needed i like to know what holding you back on
> change to dovecot

Probably, the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" principle.

All his mail is managed by an installation that works, so why mess
with it.

I run Courier IMAPD, and the RC plugin for editing sieve rules works
just fine. It talks to the pysieved program which manages the file
stored in the user's home directory.

I described the setup in more detail in an old posting to this mailing
list. (Could be some two years ago).

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