On 2014-01-29 20:03, Stefan Du Rietz wrote:
On 2014-01-28 18:42, Serge Steer wrote:
Le 28/01/2014 17:14, Adrien Vogt-Schilb a écrit :
The page does not mention "pause"

Just because pause behave similarily to  functions with respect to
calling context

And you think the fact that it behaves equal to (not similar to)
functions is self-evident?

Of course, I have read help *pause*:

"Switch to the pause mode; inserted in the code of a function, pause
interrupts the execution of the function: one receives a prompt symbol
which indicates the level of the pause (e.g. -1->). The user is then
in a new workspace in which all the lower-level variables (and in
particular all the variable of the function) are available."

I have therefore always thought that the given prompt symbol -1-> was
the level of the function (see the link below), and that I still was
at that level!

And, as I have earlier worked with Matlab, I therefore believed that *pause* worked like its *keyboard*:

keyboard , when placed in a program .m file, stops execution of the file and gives control to the keyboard. The special status is indicated by a K appearing before the prompt. You can examine or change variables; all MATLAB® commands are valid. This keyboard mode is useful for debugging your functions.



sorry, o busy to file a bug

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