Le 09/06/2018 à 18:59, Jean-Philippe Grivet a écrit :
Thank you Samuel. However, there are some remaining bugs !When I launch Scilab, I ger the following d=series of messages:

Start Linalg
Start Makematrix
Start Specfun
Start Helptbx
Start Distfun
Start Stixbox
Start Apifun
    Load macros
    Load help
    Type "help apifun_overview" for quick start.
Start Ortpol
    Load macros
    Load help
    Load demos
    Type "help ortpol_overview" for quick start.
    Type "demo_gui()" and search for "Ortpol" for Demonstrations.

So far so good. I type help ortôl_overview and I am redirected to the last help^page I l consulted ("disp" in the present case). Back to the console, I write demo_gui() and chose ortpoly in the popup menu. Scilab replies

à la ligne -11 du fichier exécuté C:\Users\grivet\AppData\Local\SCILAB~1.1\contrib\Ortpol\0315DD~1.1\demos\Ortpol.dem.gateway.sce à la ligne 41 de la fonction demo_gui_update ( C:\Users\grivet\AppData\Local\scilab-6.0.1\modules\demo_tools\macros\demo_gui_update.sci ligne 58 ) get_absolute_file_path : Le fichier ortpol.dem.gateway.sce n'est pas ouvert dans Scilab.

This is now fixed in the 0.3.2 version. You may do
--> atomsSystemUpdate(); atomsUpdate Ortpol

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