Hi Lester,

I realized that the command I provided no longer works. Hence, it is a good 
opportunity to provide step-by-step guide with the updated link. Here is the 
way to go:

1. Go to page https://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/netcdf4/source/tree/master 
2. Towards to the bottom right of the page, there is a link that says "Download 
this version", click it to download the toolbox (version 1.2) as a  zip 
archive. Then unzip it and change to that directory, which I suppose is named 
as "netcdf4-master"
3. Under that directory, open scilab-cli (the command line Scilab interface), 
or alternatively open scilab-cli and navigate to that directory so that it is 
your working directory.
4. Then run "exec builder.sce". Once the build successfully finishes, you will 
see that some new "*.sce" files are created under the working directory. One of 
them is called "loader.sce". It is the file that you need.
5. Whenever you need to load scinetcdf and use the functionality within, do 
this: "exec loader.sce" under Scilab.

I hope it helps.



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10. Aug 2018 16:17 by ekinako...@tutanota.com <mailto:ekinako...@tutanota.com>:

>     Hi,
> You can build it under Scilab 6.0.1. I have been successfully using it for 
> months. If you wish to give it a try, download  the source code at with GIT 
> as: 
> git clone git://git.forge.scilab.org/netcdf4.git
> Then build it via Scilab. If you are not familiar with the build process, I 
> can provide step by step instructions.
> Best,
> Ekin
> --
> Securely sent with Tutanota. Claim your encrypted mailbox today!
> https://tutanota.com <https://tutanota.com>
> 8. Aug 2018 13:01 by > arctica1...@gmail.com <mailto:arctica1...@gmail.com>> :
>> Hello,
>> Just a quick query. Are there plans to get scinetcdf to work on Scilab 6.x?
>> The existing version (1.2) is not compatible, but does work under 5.5.2
>> More a question to Simon Marchetto (package maintainer).
>> Not sure if there is a way to manually get it working in Scilab 6.0.1
>> Lester
>> --
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