Thank you Samuel, this one does work!

I understand the verbosity issue (it's the age of SMS's and WhatsApp's). However, the "orthogonality", in spite of being a good idea to avoid many instances of similar messages, would be really useful if some way to combine short messages did exist. But I'm afraid it is a very hard problem since the way things combine in different languages may be quite different, particularly word order.


On 12/03/2019 21:19, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
Le 12/03/2019 à 21:31, Federico Miyara a écrit :

Dear All,

I try to get this error message translated:

msprintf(gettext("%s: Argument #%d: Vector expected.\n"), "bandfilter", 1)

Any idea of what's wrong?

The long historical form is
gettext("%s: Wrong size for argument #%d: Vector expected.\n")

When some students or colleagues ask me for help, i have noticed that quite often they did not really read the error message, and i wondered why.
Often, IMO error messages are uselessly verbosy. This is why i proposed
a series of shorter, more straightforward, and more orthogonal ones.


<> Libre de virus. <>


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