
Thank you. I need it to be periodic without repeating the 0, so I think it is OK.

When seeing it with N=4 it looks rather rough (actually, both versions do), but it improves for instance with N=4096)

Anyway, the motivation is to use it for overlap-add. For instance:

N = 8
q = window("hn",N);
q1 = [q, q, q, q];
q2 = [q(N/2+1:N), q, q, q, q(1:N/2)];  // 50 % offset
Q = q1 + q2

Q should be identically 1, and it isn't. For N larger it is evident a slight oscilation, smaller as N grows.

If we replace symmetric by periodic Hann:

N = 8
q = window("hn",N+1);
q = q(1:N);
q1 = [q, q, q, q];
q2 = [q(N/2+1:N), q, q, q, q(1:N/2)];
Q = q1 + q2

Here Q = [1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1] so the result is the expected one.



On 22/05/2019 14:02, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
Hello Federico,

Le 22/05/2019 à 16:40, Federico Miyara a écrit :

Dear all,

I need to implement a 4096 point non-symmetric Hann window. The function window provides several types of symetric windows, including Hann.

I wonder if computing a 4097 point symmetric window and keeping the first 4096 yields what I'm looking for.

It depends only on your criteria to make it asymetric.

--> window("hn",4)
 ans  =
   0.   0.75   0.75   0.

--> w = window("hn",5)
 w  =
   0.   0.5   1.   0.5   0.

--> w(1:4)
 ans  =
   0.   0.5   1.   0.5

Is this OK ? window() normalizes the maximum height, not the area. So trimming the raw result less than its half width keeps its max to 1. And there is no correction factor to apply to the area to keep it to 1, since it's not its original value.


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