correction, i meant, this topic had hijacked the topic "[Scilab-users] lincos 
instruction : example file pendulum_anim45.zcos is corrupted - Buggzilla 16221" 
, not the other way. 

apologize to Pierre PERRICHON for hijacking your thread. :)


---- On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 01:01:31 +0800 Chin Luh Tan 
<> wrote ----


I just aware that Samuel has pointed out about the "hijacking" a thread, in 
fact, this topic was hijacked from the original topic "[Scilab-users] lincos 
instruction : example file pendulum_anim45.zcos is corrupted - Buggzilla 16221" 

Look at this link:

We would not able to see the topic on MacOS but instead, it is hiding under the 
lincos topic. 

How it happens? 

I think a lot of time when we wanted to post to the user list, we just simple 
open one email, and the click reply, delete the contents and put in new 
subjects, and this is how we hijacked a topic. So the original topic looks very 
active, but it was talking about something else. 

>From email, it looks ok, but if you refer to the link above, we can see the 

I've to admit that I've done that before as well. :)

What's the impact?

The thread become very messy and misleading for future reference.

So to avoid this happen again, click on new email and sent to the user list, it 
will create a new thread. 

I've create a new thread for this MacOS case, please reply to this thread for 
only this topic. :)

Thanks everyone.



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