Le 29/11/2019 à 21:21, Claus Futtrup a écrit :

Hi Stéphane

Lazy = not pretty.

Matlab users do not have this possibility, and as a result, programs do not suffer from eventual border effects. But I know many Matlab users using a bunch of "global" statements. This is WORSE than lazy globals...

However, you don't need to use this mechanism in your GUI. You have gcbo + proper backtracking on the parents, or (better) you can use  tags and findobj.


... but you didn't answer my question. Which way do you personally prefer? ... and why?



Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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