Le 09/01/2021 à 13:04, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Hello Federico,

Le 09/01/2021 à 01:32, Federico Miyara a écrit :


sin(x - n*pi)
So now the problem can be how these large numbers are obtained
--> a=1e16+1
--> a-1e16
of course equals zero.

Yes, I've thought about it and you are right, above 1e16 x is so sparse, cycle-wise speaking, that my original intention doesn't make much sense.

MPScilab <https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/MPScilab> is an external module available up to Scilab 5.3 -- not recompiled since then -- allowing *arbitrary precision computations* for a short list <http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/mpscilab/source/tree/master/mpscilab/help/en_US> of the mathematical functions.
sin() is not in the list, but exp() is.

Sorry: all trigonometric functions are supported. I have just missed the dedicated section where they are addressed.

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