
My xcos model becomes quite large and takes time to compile. In order to
launch batches and optimisation process, it seems possible to compile the
model juste one time.

However, I meet the same difficulties as described in this post :



Indeed, the following script...

*  ___________________________________ *


entreprise\Technique\Kayak guide\Modélisation\Scilab\optimisation"+"\modèle
physique et commande simple_10_opti.zcos");*


*xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4);*

*disp("méthode 2",toc());*


*%cpr = xcos_compile(scs_m);*

*disp( "Durée compilation",toc());*



*disp( "méthode 1",toc());*


...gives the following results :


*"scicos_simulate step 1"*

*   50.813412 s*

*  "scicos_simulate step 2"*

*   57.440604 s*

*  "xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4) méthode 2"*

*   58.808546 s*

*  "Compilation duration"*

*   55.615238 s*

*  "xcos_simulate(scs_m,1) méthode 1"*

   *61.133700 s*


It seems the compilation step is done in all these cases.

*Thank you for your time and for your help*


note 1 : when the final time of the simulation is set from 20s to 200s, the
execution time increases about 15s

note 2 : according to the windows task manager, CPUs seem to be used about
30% during compilation and about 100% during simulation which takes few
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