Le 09/04/2021 à 18:08, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :

On 09/04/2021 17:57, Samuel Gougeon wrote:

Dear all,

I am wondering about precedence rules when a user's defined builtin (possibly from an ATOMS external module) has the same name than a native Scilab builtin function. The case appeared (and maybe still) when using the scicv external module, that redefined a write() function that already exists in Scilab.

Does anyone know how such conflicts are managed by Scilab?

Poorly or not at all according to my own painful experience with grocer and scicv that caused weird behaviours by overloading existing functions...

Doesn't Grocer use only macros, not a single builtin function?
My question is only about hard-coded (so called builtin or "primitive") functions.

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