
The problem is: I don't want to restart Scilab each time I modify one help file, to take it into account. Now the details.

When I modify the help file, let say "myfunction.xml" in "mylibrary" toolbox, I do (current directory is the toolbox root directory)

fist I close the help window if it is opened, and

> exec unloader.sce;
> exec cleaner.sce;
> exec builder.sce;
> exec loader.sce;
> help myfunction

But, the modification is not updated in the help window. I should exit and restart Scilab to see the modification. Am I doing something wrong?

In short (only for the help part),
1) unloader does
> del_help_chapter("mylibrary", %F);
and it works, "mylibrary" is removed from the help;

2) clearner does
> rmdir(root_tlbx + "/jar/", "s");
and it works, the ./jar/scilab_fr_FR_help.jar file is deleted;

3) builder does
> tbx_builder_help(toolbox_dir);
that is
> xmltojar(path, moduletitle, directory_language, default_language);
and it works, the ./jar/scilab_fr_FR_help.jar is created and all the ./help/fr_FR/scilab_fr_FR_help/* files are created (updated here). If I open the file ./help/fr_FR/scilab_fr_FR_help/myfunction.html I see the modification.

But I can see the modification with
> help myfunction
unless I quite Scilab

It looks like the first call of the help upload the help documentation in memory (and create %helps global variable), and if the files of the documentation are removed from help, modified and re-added, the next call of the help function consider only what has been uploaded first and don't read the modified jar nor html files!

Is Scilab operate like that? If yes, it's a bug. If not why
> help myfunction
is not updated while all the files are!

Thanks for your insight,

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