
You may try, if k is the index,


This is because a rational is a list and the first element is a vector of strings describing the structure, not a component of the matrix of rationals.

Indeed I think there is not such a thing as a matrix of rationals, but a rational (so, itself a list) whose components 2 and 3 are matrices of polynomials; respectively, numerator and denominator polynomials.

When one tries to create a matrix of lists (general lists, not rationals) it yields an error:

a = list( 1, "a", %s);
b = list( 2, "b", %z);
c = [a,b]

The error message is

Undefined operation for the given operands.
check or define function %l_c_l for overloading.

When the lists are specifically rtationals, the command works fine, for instance

d = [(1+%s)/(1+2*%s), (1-%s)/(1+%s+2*%s^2)]

but it is not a matrix of rationals but a rational whose numerator and denominator fields are matrices of polynomials


Federico Miyara

On 22/07/2021 17:08, Stéphane Mottelet wrote:
Hi all,

I thought indexing an array of rationals was possible. Likely this is no possible and this is a pity

--> pi
 pi  =

      θ +2θ²
    1 +4θ +3θ²

   0.3333333 +θ

   0.3333333 +θ

      θ +2θ²
    1 +4θ +3θ²

--> pi(1)
 ans  =

  "r"  "num"  "den"  "dt"

Any clue, somebody ?

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