Hi Federico,

I found a workaround solution (trial and error) that is not documented:

[out,TF]=dos("start | grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd"); out, TF - A solution using
piping. Perhaps someone can explain further, but it looks like 'start'
initiates the command window and then the commands on the right of the pipe
symbol are fed through the cmd , although normally it goes the other way

This gives the result expected and also pipes to the console:

[out,TF]=dos("start | grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd"); out, TF
 out  =

  "Test_10-FAA.grd: Title: "
  "Test_10-FAA.grd: Command: grdsample -R-10/10/-10/10 -I1m @GMTAPI@-000001
-Gc:\Temp\Test_10-FAA.grd -fg --GMT_HISTORY=false"

  "Test_10-FAA.grd: Remark: "
  "Test_10-FAA.grd: Pixel node registration used [Geographic grid]"
  "Test_10-FAA.grd: Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit
float), CF-1.7"

  "Test_10-FAA.grd: x_min: -10 x_max: 10 x_inc: 0.0166666666667 (1 min)
name: longitude n_columns: 1200"

  "Test_10-FAA.grd: y_min: -10 y_max: 10 y_inc: 0.0166666666667 (1 min)
name: latitude n_rows: 1200"

  "Test_10-FAA.grd: v_min: -104.96169281 v_max: 456.651062012 name: z"
  "Test_10-FAA.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0"
  "Test_10-FAA.grd: format: netCDF-4 chunk_size: 134,134 shuffle: on
deflation_level: 3"
 TF  =


I am pretty sure we never had to do this in earlier 5.x versions?

So not sure if the documentation needs more clarity or there are
missing/extra parameters to consider.


On Wed, 28 Jul 2021 at 16:31, Federico Miyara <fmiy...@fceia.unr.edu.ar>

> Lester,
> I don't know whether your post is related to my earlier message or it is
> just that we both have had the same problem.
> Unfortunately the documentation isn't clear enough, for instance it says:
>   commands
>   Single text containing instructions sent to the MS Windows cmd.exe
> command interpreter.
> but it doesn't say how the instructions should be connected. They could be
> separated by commas, by spaces, by semicolons... Seemingly it is by spaces
> (at least this way the bOK argumet is True), but there could be some
> ambiguity, for instance if one wants to change directory and the directory
> contains two words and the second is also a command or a program.
> On the other hand the expression "single text" is not clear. What is a
> "text" in Scilab? Text is meaningless, in Scilab we have strings, and
> "single" is somewhat vague. Does it mean a one-component string?
> Your workaround of using a batch may work, but it requires the extra job
> of creating and saving it and at the end deleting it, which should be
> automatic.
> Regards,
> Federico Miyara
> On 28/07/2021 10:57, Lester Anderson wrote:
> Hello all,
> This has been queried previously without an obvious solution.
> For example: [output, bOK]=dos('grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd')
> Fails with bOK = F
> Adding 'start grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd gives bOK=T but now dos window
> console with the result
> The only way to get the out put shown below is to put the commands into a
> bathch  file:
> grd-info.bat (containing the command stream grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd
> Such that the dos function becomes: [out,TF]=dos('start grd-info.bat');
> out, TF
> \D_Drive\Geoscience\Scilab>grdinfo Test_10-FAA.grd
> Test_10-FAA.grd: Title:
> Test_10-FAA.grd: Command: grdsample -R-10/10/-10/10 -I1m @GMTAPI@-000001
> -Gc:\Temp\Test_10-FAA.grd -fg --GMT_HISTORY=false
> Test_10-FAA.grd: Remark:
> Test_10-FAA.grd: Pixel node registration used [Geographic grid]
> Test_10-FAA.grd: Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float),
> CF-1.7
> Test_10-FAA.grd: x_min: -10 x_max: 10 x_inc: 0.0166666666667 (1 min) name:
> longitude n_columns: 1200
> Test_10-FAA.grd: y_min: -10 y_max: 10 y_inc: 0.0166666666667 (1 min) name:
> latitude n_rows: 1200
> Test_10-FAA.grd: v_min: -104.96169281 v_max: 456.651062012 name: z
> Test_10-FAA.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
> Test_10-FAA.grd: format: netCDF-4 chunk_size: 134,134 shuffle: on
> deflation_level: 3
> However, even with this workaround, nothing is written to the variable
> 'out'. The program 'grdinfo' is in the Windows path, so should be run
> without using start. In the past, the function did work. Basic Windows
> commands like {out, TF]=dos('dir') works.
> I have verified that nothing is written to the consolebox. In addition,
> this is a new computer and new install of Scilab 6.1.1
> Also, the same function under Octave runs correctly as dos('grdinfo
> Test_10-FAA.grd'), and I am assuming the Scilab version should behave the
> same.
> Since the mailinglists section is no longer functional, I cannot check for
> possible solutions or pointers. Apologies if this is repeating my previous
> query on the issue.
> Thanks
> Lester
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