Hi Philipp

To extend on the proposal by Denis, for Windows there is the DOS commands, like:

DIR /S /B path\*.txt > result.lst

It will traverse all subdirectories and with the pipe generate a text file with the result (replace 'path' with your real-name parent folder path). The result.lst contains a list of all files (one per line) with their complete file-path-names.

Best regards,

On 27-09-2021 20:37, P M wrote:
@ Denis:
- I forgot to mention: The files are under windows.

@ Claus:
- [...] I create a list of all files in that directory and read all of them [....]

Yes , this is what I see when using "listfiles"
What I am searching for would be:
- choose a directory
- choose a file extension

--> create a list of all files with that extension in :
-> the directory
-> in all sub-directories

I do doubt that there is a ready-to-use-function for that, so my question is: How to do it the most elegant way?

I do not have a full aproach for this, yet.
However I feel, that the first thing to do is, to get absolut pathnames to all folders,
Afterwards I would scan each folder for the specifi file type.

Mh...still thinking.

Am Mo., 27. Sept. 2021 um 17:52 Uhr schrieb Claus Futtrup <cfutt...@gmail.com <mailto:cfutt...@gmail.com>>:

    Hi Philipp

    This piece of code used to work (haven't checked with Scilab
    6.1.1). First I ask the user to select one file in the directory,
    then I create a list of all files in that directory and read all
    of them:

    [units,typs,nams]=file();  // nams(1) = script file name incl. path
    fpathname=strsplit(nams(1),  [filesep()]);
    scriptpath  =  get_absolute_file_path(fpathname($));

    printf("Please select a .txt measurement file\n");
    [filetoread  pathtofile]  =  uigetfile("*.txt",scriptpath,"Choose measurement 
         // For a start, assume script file is in the same directory as the
         // but don't be sure, read pathtofile and use it instead.
    readfile  =  pathtofile  +  "\"  +  filetoread;
    if  length(filetoread)>4  then  // one char + .txt expected, i.e. length>4
         // If user doesn't select any file, the above check prevents a crash
         if  verbose  then  printf("MSG: File found, thanks!\n");  end


    // Analyze - find all files in the path, who's filename is an
    // integer, which means - we expect it to be an angle.
    filelist=listfiles(pathtofile  +  "\*.txt");




    printf("Loop %i times: ",imax);
    for  i=1:imax  do
         printf("%i ",i)  // Show progress
         [path  fname  extension]  =  fileparts(filelist(i));
         if  isnum(fname)  then     // check if fname (a string) contains
             d=evstr(fname);       // a number, and convert to number

    I hope this is inspiring.


    On 27-09-2021 16:50, P M wrote:
    Dear All,

    I need to find and list all files of a specific type on my hard
    drive....How to do that in the most elegant way?


    - find all *.txt files in "D:\"
    - also find all '*.txt' files in each sub - directory,
    sub-sub-directory, ..etc
    - create a list that stores the absolute path names to the *.txt

    I am aware of
    - dir
    - findfiles
    - listfiles
    - ls

    But they only seem to list the files in a dedicated folder.

    Is there a function, that also searches all sub-folders

    Thank you,

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