It has been a while since I was away from the Scilab mailing list, in fact,
I am of the opinion that the Scilab Developer Community seems to be
reducing over time...

I was a half-cooked developer (maybe not even half-cooked) who had been
playing around with Scilab for quite some time. I have to agree that after
the ESI taking over, the Scilab team focus seems to be less on the
"Community Version", and the enthusiasm of the Community Developers just
could not heat up, as there are none official activities initiated from the
ESI as per my understanding.

I do like Scilab, alot, but seeing this pace of moving, sooner or later, I
worry that Scilab will eventually disappear... sorry to say that.

Chin Luh

On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 at 18:32, Stéphane Mottelet <>

> Hi David,
> Sorry for being rude but who in the (zombie) Scilab community would have
> some time to develop such fancy stuff, when so many basic things such as a
> decent html redering of help pages is missing ? BTW you ask for a dark mode
> but Scilab is slowly but irremediably sliding to darkness...
> I was recently interviewed by students of a french engineering school (not
> mine) on my feeling about the past, present and future of Scilab, and one
> of the points I mentioned is the death of the aforementioned community.
> First by its size then by its age distribution and finally by its lack of
> investment in the development of Scilab itself. The only newcomming users I
> have met this year on StackOverflow are students who were told to do some
> homework by their math teacher. None of the brilliant students I meet each
> year in my course (which uses Scilab) are interested in developping Scilab.
> Recently one of them was hired as a research engineer at Inria to work in
> the Scikit-learn consortium hence Python stuff !
> When I read such (legitimate) demands as the one formulated by David, I am
> not sure that actual Scilab users are aware of the situation. One the one
> hand ESI hosts the rest of the Scilab team, which has its own business plan
> and spends its time on developments  which are not available to the
> community (e.g. the Scilab Cloud), and on the other hand some (dumb ?) guys
> which still spend (waste ?) their time to fix what they can fix or consider
> to be fixed. I have to say that the Scilab team does help us when we ask
> some help, but the initiative to fix this or that must come from us.
> As far as I am concerned I consider that working on solvers (nonlinear
> equations, differential equations, optimization, ...) is a priority of
> higher level than gui stuff. I met so many people trying (and failing) to
> solve real/big problems with Scilab that I could not just give up and tell
> them to use Matlab. That's why I rewrote from scratch sci-ipopt in order to
> allow Scilab to solve efficiently nonlinear optimization problems. That's
> why I am currently interfacing the SUNDIALS ode/dae solvers (which are
> already used in XCos). The Kinsol equation solver (also from SUNDIALS)
> could also be interfaced, in order to provide an alternative to the very
> poor lsqrsolve (missing features like positivity constraints and sparse
> jacobian). However, when I write help pages I realize the very poor
> rendering of them in Scilab help browser (this is due to the very poor css
> support of actual (Swing) html viewer). I have some helpfull hints for the
> (unconscious) person who would want to spend some time on this issue,
> provided that she/he knows Java.
> If you think you can contribute to the debate just express yourself.
> S.
> Le 18/11/2021 à 09:20, CHEZE David 227480 a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I‘m wondering if anyone already looked for developing a “dark mode” for
> Scilab look and feel, following dark mode or dark theme selected in the OS.
> If not linked automatically to the OS theme, then it might be custom colour
> and code colorization configuration in this perspective that could be
> shared ?
> Thank you for any hint,
> David
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> --
> Stéphane Mottelet
> Ingénieur de recherche
> EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
> Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
> Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
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