
   It is really hard to help you if don't give us full information only sending us one picture at a time. Please use test files, they are easier to navigate than screen shots. Your last question below is a repeat to a question that I answered before.  If you want proper diagnose of the problem please send the configuration files,logs, routing table at both ends. see 8 at:

Make sure to increase the debug level in your ipsec.conf files at both ends, something like:

config setup
       charondebug="ike 3, net 3, mgr 3, esp 3, chd 3, dmn 3, cfg 3, knl 3"


On 2/20/2018 8:00 AM, Sujoy wrote:
Hi Jafar,

I am able to establish tunnel when I try to connect from LAN IP. But with same configuration(Firewall setting) and same OS version it failed to establish tunnel with *nated public IP*.

What means parsed "failed to establish CHILD_SA, keeping IKE_SA". Please let me know if you have any idea regarding this issue.

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