Memory leaks are written to the log when the charon daemon exits and
all memory is released. Sending a HUP doesn't help.

On 05.08.22 15:21, Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:
On 05.08.22 14:36, Andreas Steffen wrote:
Hi Michael,

I'm not aware of any memory leak that we fixed. You could run charon
compiled with the --enable-leak-detective configure option and check
for any memory leaks when you stop the daemon.



Thanks for the fast response. It is reported to the log file? Is the any "hup" to get the report in the fly?

On 05.08.22 09:46, Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:

we have a strongswan 5.9.5 installed on a embedded device.

We see a increase of memory usage of the charon process of about 200 kB/hour.

The leak might be somehow connected to rekeying since the leak rate was reduced with the rekeying rate. Also perhaps to logging, since we reduced verbosity to decrease leak rate.

As far as I read the changelog, no memory leak was fixed in 5.9.6 and 5.9.7.

Any idea how to proceed to pin down the cause of the leak? 200 kB/h impacts the embedded device.
Andreas Steffen               
strongSwan - the Open Source VPN Solution!
strongSec GmbH, 8952 Schlieren (Switzerland)

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