jDepend allows on to define a jdepend.properties file to disable the count
of e.g. java.* classes. It demands that this properties file is either in
the classpath or in the user's home directory.

It works for me if I place the properties file in my home directory, but I'd
rather place it somewhere in the project tree. Unfortunately, the plugin
only puts the following things on the classpath (from plugin.jelly)

        <ant:path refid="maven-classpath"/>
        <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
        <ant:pathelement path="${plugin.getDependencyPath('jdepend')}"/>

would it be possible to add somehow a property that refers to a
jdepend.properties file that is defined by the project ? I couldn't find any
other in jdepend to specify properties.



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