We have a project we're converting over to Maven. The structure is a bit

Project Root
  apps.war: Builds apps.war
  aimwebservices: Builds aimwebservices.war
  ear: Builds adinventory.ear. Contains all other modules
     adplanning: Builds adplanning.jar
        jar: Builds base.jar
        har: Builds base-hib.har
        servlet: Builds base-ui.jar

For various reasons, we do not want the version names in any of these files
we create.

The project is structured so that most of the components depend upon
base.jar. The aimwebservices.war and apps.war also depend upon the
base-hib.har and the base-ui.jar.

The adinventory.ear file contains all of the built wars, hars, and jars.
Each component directory contains a pom.xml.

When I do a "mvn package", everything is built, and the final result is the
adinventory.ear file which contains all the jars, hars, and wars that it is
suppose to have. This is what I want. Beautiful.

The problem is I want to package this adinventory.ear file with a bunch of
scripts, configuration files, and other items that are in the
src/main/instance directory. I configured a assembly, and am using the
assembly plugin. The problem is when I run "mvn assembly:assembly", I get
the following error:
*[INFO] Building servlet*
*[INFO] [resources:resources]*
*[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!*
*[INFO] Copying 16 resources*
*[INFO] snapshot com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT:
checking for updates from snapshot*
*[INFO] Unable to find resource
'com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:jar:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT' in
repository snapshot (
*[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.*

*1) com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:jar:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT*

*  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.*

*  Then, install it using the command: *
*      mvn install:install-file
-DgroupId=com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base -DartifactId=jar
-Dversion=2.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file*

*  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file
there: *
*      mvn deploy:deploy-file
-DgroupId=com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base -DartifactId=jar
-Dversion=2.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url]

*  Path to dependency: *
*   1) com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:servlet:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT*
*   2) com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:jar:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT*

*1 required artifact is missing.*

*for artifact: *
*  com.solbright.adinventory.projects.base:servlet:jar:2.1.2-SNAPSHOT*

*from the specified remote repositories:*
*  snapshot (
*  production (
*  Nexus (http://aladdin.solbright.com:8082/nexus/content/groups/public)*

*[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch*
*[INFO] Total time: 9 seconds*
*[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jul 09 12:10:15 GMT-05:00 2009*
*[INFO] Final Memory: 29M/194M*

Why does the build suddenly fail when I run the assembly:assembly lifecycle,
yet the same setup succeeds when I do "mvn package"?

For convinence, the pom files I use are at <
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/433257/pom.tar>. I've also attached it to this

David Weintraub
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