Dear all,

I have been browsing the Maven Book online recently (available on, and I have found something interesting about the profiles used in Maven in one example:

Basically, this example does the following:
- in settings.xml, we define a profile, active by default, that set an environment variable; - in a module pom.xml, we activate another profile based on the presence of the previous environment variable.

This is a functionality that looked very interesting at first, with the only drawback that I was not able to make it work. The only solution to activate the profile defined in the pom.xml file was to explicitly set the environment variable on the command-line, which is not what I want to do.

I have tested this with versions 2.0.10 and 2.2.1, and both do not work. Does anyone know if what is presented in this example should work ? Or does anyone of you know a similar way of achieving such functionality ?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Reynald Borer

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