On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@gmx.de>wrote:

> David Weintraub wrote:
> Too complicated, especially since you skip Maven's dependency version
> resolution by this directory where you collect the wars.

I don't see how I skip the dependency version resolution. The wars are still
calculating those dependencies and tracking them in the MANIFEST.MF
classpath and in the pom.xml they store in the META-INF directory.

> For a skinny war don't configure the jar location and use
> the "packagingExcludes" parameter to skip the webapp/WEB-INF/lib.
> In the ear declare now both artifacts. The jar will ensure that all
> transitive deps are included also. If you do not use skinny wars, only
> declare the war.

This is the entire problem. I am manually doing all of this stuff that Maven
was suppose to cure.

We're building the ear, looking at the wars, figuring out the duplicates,
tweak the poms, repeat and rinse.  Now, if we use a new version of a jar or
add a new jar dependency, I have to start the whole process from scratch.

I'm told this problem stems from the fact that Maven treats all of my wars
as separate projects when they build. They simply cannot communicate with
each other. The ear builds after the wars, so it cannot clean up this mess.

The packagingExcludes is not a solution, but the symptom of the problem.

David Weintraub

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