
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:39 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <>wrote:

> Hi,
> i have the following question:
> I have to deliver a package with different configurations for different
> environments, to make things simple let us talk about a database connection
> for test, development and production.
> So the result of the build will be:
> package-1.0-dev.tar.gz
> package-1.0-test.tar.gz
> package-1.0-prod.tar.gz
> so i have discovered the following solutions for this:
> Solution 1:
> I can use a profiles.xml with different profiles which set a property
> which will be used for the package phase.
> This will result in the following calls of maven:
> mvn -Pdev package
> mvn -Ptest package
> mvn -Pprod package
> The disadvantage of this is that every time we call the package all other
> things like unit test etc. will run...and of course i have to call mvn three
> time (manually)...
> Solution 2:
> I can configure the Maven Assembly Plugin like the following:
> <plugin>
>    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>    <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>    <version>2.2-beta-3</version>
>    <executions>
>        <execution>
>            <id>db-config-1</id>
>            <phase>package</phase>
>            <goals>
>                <goal>single</goal>
>            </goals>
>            <configuration>
>                <descriptors>
> <descriptor>${basedir}/src/main/assembly/dbconfig.xml</descriptor>
>                </descriptors>
>                <filters>
> <filter>${basedir}/src/main/assembly/</filter>
>                </filters>
>                <finalName>${}-test</finalName>
>            </configuration>
>        </execution>
>    ....
>  ...
> So for every environment which i need i can repeat the execution block with
> different names or property file etc.
> The result of such a configuration is that with a simple:
> mvn package
> as many packages will be produced as many execution parts are configured,
> but if i need for example more than three different packages it blow up my
> pom file with many repetitions...
> So my question is: Does exist a better or more elegant solution for this
> problem ?
> Many thanks in advance
> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise
> --
> SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung    Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 415 893
> Dipl.Ing.(FH) Karl Heinz Marbaise        ICQ#: 135949029
> Hauptstrasse 177                         USt.IdNr: DE191347579
> 52146 Würselen                 
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