The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the JBoss Maven Plugin
version 1.4.

Some notable features in this release include improvements to the start-and-wait mojo and general improvements to the plugin configuration. The plugin site has also been improved and now provides more docs and examples.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's plugin


A comprehensive list of changes is attached at the end of this mail.


The Mojo team.

Release Notes - Maven 2.x JBoss Plugin - Version 1.4.0

** Bug
    * [MJBOSS-23] - jboss:undeploy causes NPE
    * [MJBOSS-30] - NullPointerException in UndeployMojo

** Improvement
* [MJBOSS-24] - JBoss plugin should be able to read JBOSS_HOME when using JDK < 1.5
    * [MJBOSS-25] - Refactor to follow Maven code formatting conventions.
* [MJBOSS-26] - Should be able to override the parameters for the startAndWait mojo from the command line.
    * [MJBOSS-28] - harddeploy should skip unconfigured POMs without failing
    * [MJBOSS-31] - Fix deprecation warnings about using components.
    * [MJBOSS-32] - Improve parameter configuration
    * [MJBOSS-33] - Improve site documentation
* [MJBOSS-34] - Add a wait period between retries of the JMX Connection when using startAndWaitGoal
    * [MJBOSS-35] - startAndWait mojo needs a security manager
    * [MJBOSS-36] - Mojo goal names should follow standard Maven naming format.

** New Feature
    * [MJBOSS-29] - Add exploded deployment support

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