
Did your try the create-from-project [0] goal of the maven-archetype-plugin? 
This should give you some good starting point, from which you could adapt the 
archetype to your needs.

- martin

[0] http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/advanced-usage.html

Am Samstag, 14. November 2009 00:49:10 schrieb Qureshi,Shahzad [Ontario]:
> I should mention that compile and install of archetype works fine, I am
> encountering all these issues when I am trying to create the archetype
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Qureshi,Shahzad [Ontario] [mailto:shahzad.qure...@ec.gc.ca]
> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:46 PM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Problem in creating own archetype
> Hi all,
> I am trying to convince my group here to start using Maven instead of
> Ant. I am preparing a demonstration for them and in the process, I am
> trying to create my own archetype. I've done it before but this time I
> am stuck at something which I've no idea how to solve.
> I want the project directory structure to be
> - bin
>   -- file1
>   -- file2.sh
>   -- file3.sh
> - src
>   -- main
>     -- java
>         -- file.java
> + site
> + test
> So I've all that setup in archetype-resources folder and here is my
> archetype.xml within META-INF directory
> <archetype>
>   <!-- this id tag should be same as the artifactId in the archetype
> pom.xml-->
>   <id>archetype_id</id>
>   <sources>
>      <source>src/main/java/App.java</source>
>   </sources>
>   <testSources>
>     <source>src/test/java/AppTest.java</source>
>   </testSources>
>   <resources>
>       <resource>bin/file1</resource>
>       <resource>bin/file2.sh</resource>
>       <resource>bin/file3.sh</resource>
>   </resources>
> </archetype>
> The amount of problems I am encountering with something simple as this,
> I've a feeling that this resources folder is supposed to do something
> other then what I am trying to do.
> Q1- How do I include the bin folder where I want it?
> Main problem I am encountering is I haven't been able to figure out how
> to include the entire directory and its files without specifying each
> file the way I've shown above and ** doesn't work and neither does
> specifying a directory and include tag
> ANOTHER weird problem is that when Maven encounters that file2.sh, it
> for some reason tries to open it and parse it because I get an exception
> like this.... Parser Eception:
> archetype-resources/bin/file2.sh:org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.Pars
> eException: Encountered .....
> Q2- Why is Maven trying to parse my shell script?
> I would appreciate any help you can provide, if I am unable to prove to
> my group how useful Maven is (this is the only snag left), I am afraid
> we'll keep using ANT
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Martin Höller                   | martin.hoel...@xss.co.at
*x Software + Systeme           | http://www.xss.co.at/
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