Hi all,

I wanted to create  bundle(OSGi jar file) which just have a manifest file
only, so when I try to do that I'm getting the following error.

[WARNING] Warning building bundle org.wso2.carbon:servletbridge:bundle:1.0.0
: Classpath is empty. Private-Package and Export-Package can only expand
from the classpath when there is one
[WARNING] Warning building bundle org.wso2.carbon:servletbridge:bundle:1.0.0
: Instructions for Export-Package that are never used:
javax\.servlet\.resources, javax\.servlet, javax\.servlet\.http,
org\.wso2\.carbon\.bridge, org\.wso2\.carbon\.server\.transports
[WARNING] Warning building bundle org.wso2.carbon:servletbridge:bundle:1.0.0
: Superfluous export-package instructions: [javax.servlet,
javax.servlet.http, javax.servlet.resources, org.wso2.carbon.bridge,
[WARNING] Warning building bundle org.wso2.carbon:servletbridge:bundle:1.0.0
: Did not find matching referal for *
[ERROR] Error building bundle org.wso2.carbon:servletbridge:bundle:1.0.0 :
The JAR is empty
[ERROR] Error(s) found in bundle configuration

My pom.xml looks like this.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";

    Servletbridge Extension Bundle


                        <Bundle-Name>Servletbridge Extension
                        org.wso2.carbon.bridge; version=1.0.0,
org.wso2.carbon.server.transports; version=1.0.0,
javax.servlet; version=2.4.0,
javax.servlet.http; version=2.4.0,
javax.servlet.resources; version=2.4.0

Can anyone help me to fix this issue ?


Apache Qpid, Worlds dominant messaging middleware..!!!

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