We've trouble creating a concept for maven using subsystems.


In the attached pdf you can see a  maven/subsystem concept. In short,
we've got a component based software which is based on quiet a lot of
components (each component is a maven project). Those components are
bundled in subsystems. Every subsystem features a parent pom which
contains all components of this subsystem as a snapshot version. 

The snapshot versions are managed by the pom depmgmt-dev-x in all

The release versions are managed by the pom depmgmt-rel-x in all


As you can see project Z retrieves dependecy versions from depmgmt-dev-x
& depmgmt-rel-x from the subsystems X & Y. Our plan is that we only want
the subsystem a developer currently is working with snapshot versions,
all other needed subsystems by the project, in this case project Z, are
only available with their released components.


e.g for working with subystem X, you need to set in user settings.xml:



In this case profile subsystem-x gets activated in Z(parent) and
resolves the snapshot dependencies versions from depmgmt-dev-x & the
released dependencies versions from depmgmt-rel-y by dependency


This is simular to the "reproduce example project" I've uploaded in 
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4538. Not exactely the same, though.


I was told activating dependencies by settings.xml isn't a good idea and
like the issue above demonstrates, it doesn't work properly, either. So
I could go ahead and activate the profile "subsystem-x" by a CLI
property. This would also work, but isn't really comfortable to working
with in IDE's because you had to set this for every component by hand or
the IDE won't find any dependency version. Setting these properties in
the settings.xml for profile activation won't work, it's also not by


So how to easily activate profile "subsystem-x" for maven & maven
embedder in IDE's? Do you have any best practice tip for solving our


I would really appreciate your help & please ask if my description of
the diagram is too unclear



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