not for netbeans.
 AFAIK the maven pom schema doesn't enforce ordering.
you could write such enforcer rule yourself I guess.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Nick Stolwijk <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have a multitude of components and projects all build with maven
> and we want to enforce some standard layout for the pom files, like
> the ordering of the elements(like the ordering in the schema) and
> forbidding some elements (like company and url, there are already set
> in the company pom).
> So 2 questions:
> - Is there a maven/eclipse/netbeans plugin which can sort pom (xml)
> files based on their schema?
> - Is there an enforcer plugin who can enforce the ordering of the
> elements and forbidding some elements.
> Hope someone can help,
> Nick Stolwijk
> ~Java Developer~
> Claus Sluterweg 125
> 2012 WS Haarlem
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