
Maven should output the javac compilation error to you. If you didn't see it, it means Maven hasn't reached the point to compile it yet. Maybe you could send us the complete output you get from Maven to see why it doesn't work. It seems to me that you've installed the jar file correctly (maybe check if the file really is there, in ~/.m2/repository/com/oracle/ojdbc6/11.2.0/ ).


On 03/02/2010 12:23 PM, Bámer Balázs wrote:
Hi All,

I have problems building the Geotools 2.5.8 source. It requires Maven 2.1.0, I 
have 2.2.1. It is just out of the box without Oracle jars, which I have to add 
to it. I installed them in the local repository with commands like
mvn install:install-file 
-DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion=11.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar

and put fragments like

into the pom.xml in geotools source root.

However, Maven keeps complaining about missing classes.

What can be wrong? Can I have Maven output somehow the javac and similar steps 
of the build to be able to repeat it by hand?

thank you in advance, best regards: Balázs Bámer

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