On 08/26/2010 06:51 PM, Jacob Beard wrote:
On 10-08-26 11:27 AM, Jesse Farinacci wrote:
Making them proper Maven modules and populating them ONE time manually
when you create the artifact would enable all of your users to
automatically download the artifact which contains the javascript

I think this is where my comprehension is breaking down. In order for
other users to automatically download these new JavaScript library
modules that I would create, would these new modules need to be
published in a Maven repository? Or is there another mechanism involved
in distributing these libraries?

The only reason to package those javascript files in JARs and upload them to the maven central repo is for other projects to reuse them as dependencies. I don't think this is your case.

On the other hand and since most javascript projects do not produce maven dependencies for the maven users out there, it might make sense to establish a community in this list to maintain popular JS lib dependencies.

Some questions to list members:

 - Does it sound like a good idea and why?
 - How should we go for it in organizing a team of maintainers?
 - How should those JS libs packaged?

Especially for the latter, i think some people use WAR overlays, others like me use JARs and resource loading and there may even be other ways. The packaging should be usable for both common and web applications.

Another thing is a)versioning and b)alternatives for the same file. What we do here at abiss is:

- Versioning: the browser always makes a request for (e.g.) "/resources/gr/abiss/js/sarissa.js" and our maven-jstools-plugin [1] servlet filter [2]loads the script version that was included as a POM dependency. - Alternative versions of the same file like compressed/minified are loaded based on convension e.g. sarissa.js sarissa-min.js

Other of course may have better ideas for the table, but overall it may be a good time to establish at least a community of dep maintainers for popular JS libs.

[1] http://dev.abiss.gr/mvn-jstools/
[2] http://dev.abiss.gr/mvn-jstools/apidocs/gr/abiss/mvn/plugins/jstools/web/JavascriptDependencyFilter.html



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