IMO dependencies should never be inherited the results are always fuzzy, 

Parent P with defines a dependency on A 1.1
Parent P' that defines a dependency on A 2.1

And  a war project W that depends on two projects one with parent P and the 
other parent P'... which version of A should you end up with?
Even if you have an answer to this question does it actually make sense? OO 
teachs us to inherit functionally and compose dependencies. The simplest 
solution and most consistent is to define compositions

As an aside every linux distribution uses ranges to define package 
relationships, because it works and really could not be done any other way. We 
are talking debian, ubuntu, gentoo, redhat, suse etc why should dependencies in 
java be any different?


On Tuesday 21 September 2010 16:35:16 Anders Hammar wrote:
> The user of the module can always control this through a dependencyManagemet
> section. That's how it should be done. Ranges have all sorts of strange
> impact, IMO. One would be that your (and the user's) builds are not
> necessarily reproducable; the outcome might change should a new version of
> clojure be released.
> I strongly argue that you should declare a dependency to a specific version
> (likely the latest available) and let the end user handle any change to
> this.
> /Anders
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 02:21, Stuart Sierra <> wrote:
> > Hello, Maveners,
> >
> > I'm managing the build for clojure-contrib, a diverse collection of
> > libraries for the Clojure programming language.
> >
> > After several releases as a monolithic JAR, I nudged ;-) the community
> > into a multi-module build.  Now I have 61 sub-modules, all depending
> > on a single "parent" module that defines the dependency on Clojure
> > itself.
> >
> > Here's the catch: most modules will work with any version of Clojure;
> > the user of the module should be able to choose.  I want the parent
> > module to have a dependency on Clojure with a range like
> > "[1.0.0,2.0.0)".
> >
> > Aside from maven-release-plugin complaining about SNAPSHOT
> > dependencies, are there any negative implications to doing this?
> >
> > Or am I doing it wrong, should I be using some other mechanism to
> > manage this type of dependency?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -S
> >
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