On 27-10-2010 15:04, Tom wrote:
 My snapshot repositories were configured using 
<uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion>. Maven 3 does not seem to respect that 
when releasing and releases with a date-time anyhow, but does respect it when resolving and 
does not find the date-time files. By modifying uniqueVersion to true, it seems to work.

Further testing is required, but this matches the behavior.

This seems to work, now versioned artifacts are resolved, but not versioned 

/[ERROR]     Unresolveable build extension: Plugin 
nl.innovationinvestments:CheyenneMavenPlugin:1.11-SNAPSHOT or one of its 
dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact 
nl.innovationinvestments:CheyenneMavenPlugin:jar:1.11-SNAPSHOT in kp 
(http://alaya.applicationplaza.com:8081/nexus/content/groups/public) -> [Help 2]
There is a versioned plugin available in Nexus.

So upgrading Nexus to 1.8 could solve this?


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