Hi Roland

Asmann, Roland wrote:


>>  > If you use toolchains, it should not matter what JRE you use to run
>> Maven,
>>  > the compiler plugin will use the toolchain you specify.
>>  >
>>  > The question you need to ask yourself is which JDK should the
>> toolchain be
>>  > driving, and I cannot answer that... if animal-sniffer says that they
>>  > are only using the public JRE api then it does not matter which JDK
>>  > you use.
>> It does, if the JDK is not compatible. And this is the case for some
>> parts of JDBC 3 vs. 4 (included in Java 6).
> Which appears to be the case here.
>>  > And if you have surefire running with both JREs then you should be
>>  > safe anyway
>> If your module e.g. implements a JDBC Connector this is simply not
>> possible (see commons-dbcp as precedence).
> Any suggestions on how to solve this? The thing is that we really want
> to have the same version on both artifacts, since they are (more or
> less) the same.

We had the same problem for an artifact and took more or less the same 
solution like dbcp: One project with two "version lines" for the release - 
1.x for Java 5/JDBC 3 and 2.x for Java 6/JDBC 4. The code is the same, but 
compiling with Java 5 activated a profile that did filter the source code of 
the project before compiling (different source directory configured 
abviously) and set a different value for the property containing the 
project's version. The code filter used comments like (IIRC):

=========== %< =============

... code depending on JDBC 4

=========== %< =============

and replaced the starting comment with '/*JDBC4' and the ending comment with 
'JDBC4*/' when building for Java 5. However, this filter plugin is an 
internal one processing regular expressions on files, but I am quite sure 
there are some freely available that can do the same (or use antrunner 
plugin with an ant task).

- Jörg

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