
Am Donnerstag 16 Dezember 2010, 15:07:19 schrieb Ron Wheeler:
> On 16/12/2010 2:19 AM, Martin Höller wrote:
> > Hi Ron!
> > 
> > Am Mittwoch 15 Dezember 2010, 23:04:49 schrieb Ron Wheeler:
> >> Use JNDI to manage the site specific aspects of your configuration. This
> >> will make deploying to test machines and production less painful.
> > 
> > I saw you mentioning this a few times now. However, I don't get it what
> > you are actually doing here. Would you mind explaining this approach in
> > more detail.
> > 
> > tia,
> > - martin
> Of course, it is fairly specific to what we need.
> 1) Database connection specification is clearly a place where JNDI is a
> great solution.
> 2) Site name/customer name - can be used in code to specify namespaces
> or build file specifications,
> 3) Webservice endpoint specifications so that clients use the right
> webservices for test and production by customer.
> 4) URLs for resources or error screens
> We have removed anything that relates to operations/deployment from the
> code and into the Tomcat configurations (server.xml) on the server
> instance.
> Is this what you are looking for?

Thanks for your replies Ron and Brett. It explains what I was askig for and 
what we are already doing (for most things). We just do not use JNDI for 
extranalising configuration but for example properties files (not included in 
the JAR/WAR/EAR) or XML datasource configuration files.

- martin

PS: Already have "Apache Maven 2: Effective Implementation" (great book BTW),
    it's just been a while since I last looked into it :)

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