On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:22 AM, John Patrick <nhoj.patr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 18 December 2010 05:08, Barrie Treloar <baerr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:39 PM, Stefan Eder <stefan.e...@ebuconnect.de> 
>> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>> since quite a while I am using Maven and Eclipse together with the Eclipse
>>> plugin for Maven and the Maven plugin for Eclipse. And it is just great.
>>> But in the version 2.8 of the Eclipse plugin for Maven I am (hardly) missing
>>> the goal m2eclipse.
>>> How can I tell the version 2.8 of the Eclipse plugin to create .classpath
>>> files that refer to MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER and to add Maven nature and
>>> build command to the .project files without touching the corresponding poms?
>> You don't, you use m2eclipse directly.
>> If you are using m2eclipse, you *CAN NOT* use maven-eclipse-plugin,
>> hence it being removed in 2.8


> Just wondering why support for "$ mvn eclipse:m2eclipse" was dropped
> from the maven-eclipse-plugin in version 2.8? I don't understand why
> maven-eclipse-plugin and using m2eclipse are incompatible.

m2eclipse is an Eclipse plugin that embed Maven.

eclipse:eclipse is a Maven plugin that generates eclipse's files so
you can import your Maven projects.

Choose one and use it.
They are maintained by two different groups and trying to import each
others details is too error prone.

> What command line should I now be using instead?
> Or should I just stick with version 2.7?

If you are using m2eclipse, then there is no need for command line.

> As I don't want to store the eclipse project in source control, or
> have to manually create the eclipse project. I just want a simple
> command line to automatically create the project file so I can them
> just import them, or re-execute and refresh the project.

Neither m2eclipse or eclipse:eclipse require your to place eclipse
project files in source control.

m2eclipse will auto-generate the files for you.
Since I dont use m2eclipse, I can't tell you how.  You will need to
read the documentation.
It's meant to be simple.  Probably something like Import... >
m2eclipse > maven project...

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