On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Ron Wheeler
<rwhee...@artifact-software.com> wrote:
> Since Releases are immutable, this is a different case.
> You were talking about releases in your initial example.

Sorry about the confusion, but yeah I've never actually ran into this
problem with releases, only snapshots.  The example I sent in my first
email may not have been valid since I wasn't deploying the releases

> I can see how your example with SNAPSHOTS can happen and it would make a
> rather tough and puzzling problem to debug during development.


> Self-inflicted wounds are just as painful as the shots one takes from third
> parties.

It's sad but we managed to inflict this upon ourselves with our own
components, not third parties' :(

I'm thinking that if bug MNG-4999 gets rejected as "Won't Fix", I
could suggest that the cycle and version clash detection be added as
goals to the dependency plugin.  That seems like a logical place to
keep that functionality.  And if the owners of that plugin don't want
that in there, I'll just maintain our own little plugin.


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