I should also mention I can't guarantee the assertion statements, as there's
no documentation indicating, for example, whether Project.getArtifactMap
ever returns null.  I'm also supplying what I *think* is the proper key
format for the map, but can't be sure, as that isn't documented either.  I
ended up just looking at the source code and hoping that this key format is
not an internal detail of the class.


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Laird Nelson <ljnel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, here's how I did it.  It sure ain't pretty, but it works!
> Briefly, I grab the set of artifacts from a MavenProject.  Usually because
> I'm doing this from within a plugin whose dependency resolution has been set
> to "test", these artifacts are resolved already, which is convenient, and I
> don't bother to handle the case where they aren't already resolved.  Then I
> invoke MavenProjectBuilder#buildFromRepository() on each of them to get
> project information about each of them.  Now I have a list of
> MavenProjects.  I hand them to a new ProjectSorter, which does the
> topological sort I require, and keeps me blissfully ignorant of how exactly
> Maven does its reactor sorting.
> Finally, for each one, I grab its Artifact, and add it in order to the
> returned list.  I threw in an ArtifactFilter in case I want to weed out
> results.
> Hopefully this will be useful for other people in similar situations.  Even
> more hopefully someone will come along and ask pointedly why I went to all
> the trouble to rewrite the ArtifactWhosieWhatsit#sort() method, and I will
> reply because I didn't happen upon it.  :-)
> Best,
> Laird
> public static final List<Artifact> topologicallySort(final MavenProject
> project, MavenProjectBuilder builder, final ArtifactRepository
> localRepository, final ArtifactFilter filter) throws
> ProjectBuildingException, MissingProjectException,
> DuplicateProjectException, CycleDetectedException {
>     if (project == null) {
>       throw new IllegalArgumentException("project == null");
>     }
>     List<Artifact> returnValue = null;
>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>     final Set<Artifact> artifacts = (Set<Artifact>)project.getArtifacts();
>     if (artifacts != null) {
>       returnValue = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
>       if (!artifacts.isEmpty()) {
>         final List<MavenProject> projects = new ArrayList<MavenProject>();
>         projects.add(project);
>         if (builder == null) {
>           builder = new DefaultMavenProjectBuilder();
>         }
>         for (final Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
>           if (artifact != null) {
>             final MavenProject artifactProject =
> builder.buildFromRepository(artifact,
> project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(), localRepository);
>             assert artifactProject != null;
>             projects.add(artifactProject);
>           }
>         }
>         final ProjectSorter sorter = new ProjectSorter(projects);
>         final List<MavenProject> sortedProjects =
> sorter.getSortedProjects();
>         assert sortedProjects != null;
>         assert sortedProjects.size() == projects.size();
>         final Map projectArtifactMap = project.getArtifactMap();
>         assert projectArtifactMap != null;
>         for (final MavenProject p : sortedProjects) {
>           if (p != null) {
>             final Artifact artifact = p.getArtifact();
>             if (artifact != null) {
>               final Artifact resolvedArtifact =
> (Artifact)projectArtifactMap.get(artifact.getGroupId() + ":" +
> artifact.getArtifactId());
>               if (resolvedArtifact != null && (filter == null ||
> filter.include(resolvedArtifact))) {
>                 returnValue.add(resolvedArtifact);
>               }
>             }
>           }
>         }
>       }
>     }
>     return returnValue;
>   }

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