Am 12.04.2011 01:50, schrieb Hilco Wijbenga:
Hi all,


I'm following the online documentation to write a plugin
I have

package sample.plugin;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;

  * Says "Hi" to the user.
  * @goal sayhi
  * @phase generate-sources
public class GreetingMojo extends AbstractMojo {
    * The greeting to display.
    * @parameter expression="${sayhi.greeting}" default-value="Hello World!"
   private String greeting;

    * @execute phase="generate-sources"

The @execute invokes a parallel build of the project, up to the specified phase. Is that really what you want?

   public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {

This works if I invoke the plugin directly (i.e. mvn greeting:sayhi).
I have it configured as


so it prints "Howdy!". Excellent, so far.

But despite the "@phase generate-sources" and "@execute
generate-sources" I cannot get it to run in the generate-sources phase
by simply invoking something like "mvn compile". (I'm using Maven
3.0.3 and maven-plugin-api 3.0.)

How do I get the greeting plugin to run (by default) in a particular
phase? (I know I can use<executions>  to configure it explicitly but
the documentation seems to indicate I can configure a default phase.)

From the Mojo API Specification [1]:

Defines a default phase to bind a mojo execution to if the user does not explicitly set a phase in the POM. Note: This annotation will not automagically make a mojo run when the plugin declaration is added to the POM. It merely enables the user to omit the <phase> element from the surrounding <execution> element.

To execute a goal you must declare an execution somewhere, either in the projects pom or in a parent. The only way around this is to create a custom packaging [2] and bind the goal to a lifecycle phase for the packaging




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