That's an old issue, see and related tickets.


Andrew Hughes wrote:
Hi All,

Before each of the following test, I delete my project/module artifacts from
my local repo....

The following works :)

*mvn clean install *
*mvn site*

The following fails :(

*mvn clean install site*

The following also fails :(

*mvn clean install site:site*

The error I consistently get is:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.0-beta-3:site (default-site) on
project acme-project: failed to get Reports: Failed to execute goal on
project acme-project-d: Could not resolve dependencies for project
com.acme.project:acme-project-module-d:ejb:5.1.0-SNAPSHOT: *Could not find
artifact com.acme.project:acme-project-module-a:jar:5.1.0-SNAPSHOT* in
archiva ( ->  [Help 1] appears to be running on the incorrect phase or build lifecycle.
Consequently, the (module) dependencies have not been install/deployed to my
local repository yet.

Any idea's how I can fix this???


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