It's also worth mentioning that Nexus Professional's Procurement
feature is built for exactly the use case you have. It's meant to have
a hard firewall like separation between internal and external
artifacts and rules that allow you to approve whitelist/blacklist
style, or by wildcard or other runtime evaluation to define what can
be used internally.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Ron Wheeler
<> wrote:
> If you followed my directions or Wendy's, you will have a repo that contains
> only the dependencies (artifact and exact versions) that your software
> requires and nothing else.
> I don't know Artifactory but I do use Nexus so you will have to translate my
> instructions.
> In Nexus, you can see each of the artifacts that you have requested and
> extract the license information.
> If you start at the top of the list and work your way down in order, you
> will not miss anything unless you skip one by mistake. Keep a spreadsheet as
> a checklist if you worry about that.
> A bit of a PITA but not as bad as you are envisioning.
> You will also see where you are using more than one version of an artifact
> so you can limit the dependencies that you may want to clean up.
> Ron
> On 19/05/2011 3:23 AM, Nicola Musatti wrote:
>> Once you had Maven collect all the dependencies for you you can use
>> something like
>> find repository_storage_root -name '*.jar'
>> if you are on Linux/UNIX or Windows's search tool to obtain a list of all
>> your dependencies. With that you can use something like
>> to gather information about each jar and make your
>> decisions. This would take you a lot less than your approach.
>> Cheers,
>> Nicola Musatti
>> Heck, Gus (Patrick) wrote:
>>> Hi Wendy,
>>> I don't have a requirement to build from source, but in the case of the
>>> maven plugins, nowhere on the web seems to point to a place where I can
>>> download the finished product (aside from letting maven find it, and who
>>> knows what other dependencies). I am adverse to letting maven just pull
>>> things because then I have a very long list of items to check and verify
>>> arranged in a tree, and it's all too easy to miss a subtree and think
>>> I've got everything covered. Basically the problem is I make a really
>>> crappy computer when it comes to tree-traversals and not losing my place
>>> when someone comes over to chat, I go to lunch, or I have to go home at
>>> the end of the day. :-) I don't want to trust that I won't make a
>>> mistake, I'd rather take a bit more time and let the build system ensure
>>> that I didn't miss anything.
>>> If I act as gatekeeper, I know that the project won't build properly
>>> until I've applied each dependency required to build the project. (and
>>> then same for test... etc). This shouldn't be any more burdensome than
>>> finding the transitive dependencies for a good sized ant project, which
>>> I've done many times before, except that maven plug-in folks seem to
>>> squirrel their stuff away where only maven can find it, so I'm having
>>> trouble getting maven working to start with.
>>> -Gus
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Wendy Smoak []
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 6:35 PM
>>> To: Maven Users List
>>> Subject: Re: Bootstraping a repository manager
>>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Heck, Gus (Patrick)
>>> <>  wrote:
>>>> I can't seem to find a place to
>>>> download something that I can upload directly to artifactory, so I
>>> tried
>>>> to start with the first plugin that was failing, and build that and
>>> see
>>>> if mvn deploy would deploy it to artifactory. (First, question... is
>>>> that a reasonable idea?)
>>> That would be:
>>> However it is not going to be fun to find each thing you need and
>>> upload it to your internal repository manager.  (I work with a company
>>> that does it this way.)  Especially for plugins.  Is there any middle
>>> ground?  Let the repository manager proxy into a segregated directory,
>>> vet everything in there and then move it to the pristine internal
>>> repo?
>>>> Unfortunately, as soon as I did
>>>> svn checkout
>>>> 4.1 maven-clean-plugin
>>>> cd maven-clean-plugin
>>>> mvn deploy
>>> Hmm... first, do you *really* have a requirement to build everything
>>> from source?
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