Hi Lóránt,

> However, requiring each project to do this is rather error prone, so I'd
> like to define a pattern in the company parent POM, and have all 
> automatically derive their location from there.
> This doesn't work. If I set a location in our top-level POM to, say,
> "scp://maven-sites/var/www/", sites will be published to folders under 
> location based on their artifactId. This means that I get URLs like 
> http://maven-sites.local/hello-parent/
> http://maven-sites.local/hello-parent/hello-core/
> I have several problems with this:
>    - The URLs I get are not very nice.
>    - The company POM's site gets published to the root location (
>    http://maven-sites.local/), which causes all kinds of troubles.
>    - If I have two projects with different groupIds, but with the same
>    artifactId, their sites will collide.
> Is there an easy way to solve this, or should all projects define their 
> site locations?

I'm doing something similar by using the following properties / 
definitions in my parent (company) pom:

        <!-- URL for deployable web sites: -->

        <!-- standard base URL for deployed web sites: -->


                <name>Published web sites</name>

This lets all projects that use my parent pom deploy their websites under 
the "/docs" subdirectory under my Apache's document root directory 

The group Id isn't "splitted" in several subdirectories, i.e. you'll end 
up having "com.example/blah/1.0-SNAPSHOT" as path, not 

Using the following default site.xml in my projects lets "mvn site-deploy" 
resolve parent relationship links by using the links/urls given in the 
parent pom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.0.0";
        <publishDate format="dd.MM.yyyy" position="right" />
        <version position="right" />
                <logo name="Maven" href="http://maven.apache.org/";
http://maven.apache.org/images/logos/maven-feather.png"; />

                <menu inherit="true" />

                <menu ref="parent" />
                <menu ref="reports" />
                <menu ref="modules" />



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