and bind the yui compressor to prepare-package phase.
As it js files will be compressed only when you will package your war
for deployment on target servlet container.
So js files won't be change using tomcat:run (IMHO better to have real
js files for debugging purpose).

2011/12/2 Robert Scholte <>:
> You could keep the names of the files the same (so without the -min postfix), 
> so modifications are picked up immediately.
> -Robert
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 11:16:01 +0100
>> Subject: Fwd: YUI Compressor Maven plugin executed at wrong time and tomcat 
>> plugin not using yui-compressor output
>> To:
>> By default, the compress goal of the YUI maven plugin is bound to the
>> process-resources phase.
>> So, you need to bind it to another phase after the war plugin has produced
>> the war directory structure the Tomcat plugin will use.
>> I recommand you also customize the outputDirectory parameter of the YUI
>> maven plugin because the default value does not comply with the standard
>> Maven War directory layout.
>> Regards
>> Jeff MAURY
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: <>
>> Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 7:17 AM
>> Subject: YUI Compressor Maven plugin executed at wrong time and tomcat
>> plugin not using yui-compressor output
>> To:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I'm trying to get some basic maven build processes configured correctly
>> with my Java project, and beyond Stackoverflow, I'm not sure
>> where else to turn.
>> I'd like to compress all of my javascript files and aggregate them using
>> YUICompressor, and I saw that there was a maven plugin to allow me to do
>> this. I got it working for the most part.
>> I am also using the Mojo tomcat plugin as well. When i go to run the
>> tomcat:run goal, tomcat does not read from the target's output
>> directory (this is where the YUI compressor put my javascript files) - but
>> rather, it reads from the actual source files in my "src/main/
>> webapp/scripts" directory. Of course, the aggregated javascript file
>> (all.js) is not there. This makes sense, but is a big problem for me.
>> I have a few questions.
>> 1. How can I get the tomcat plugin to read the target's output folder that
>> the yui compressor plugin created?
>> 2. Do I have to run the yui compressor maven goal every time I want to
>> update my javascript files during development while my tomcat instance is
>> running?
>> 3. How can tell Maven that I want to run the YUI compressor AFTER Maven
>> copies over the `src/main/webapp` directory? Currently, Maven runs the YUI
>> compressor, but then overwrites all of the compressed css and javascript
>> files with the original source files, defeating the purposes of compressing
>> them ;)
>> 4. Is there a better way to achieve my objective rather than using the YUI
>> compressor? Essentially, my end goal is to be able to develop JavaScript
>> code in separate files and test my source files in development mode without
>> having to aggregate them... but I want to compress and aggregate the files
>> and use the `all.js` script when the application is running in production
>> mode.
>> While the Rails people have certainly figured this out, this seems to be a
>> non-trivial thing to do with Maven and Spring.
>> I would appreciate any and all assistance on how I can get this running
>> correctly. Thanks!
>> --
>> "Legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually
>> working and scaling.
>> - Bjarne Stroustrup
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