Thanxs Ron,
In fact our project is an old mulitple individual jars project (we had like
~40 jars), but eclipse had an hard time compiling/refreshing workspace so
we decided to merge a lot of projects.
Anyways thanxs for your anwser, i think a mix of multi module projects and
individual projects may be the most acceptable solution to our problem.
A short term solution is also to individually release projects (solution 2
in my question)


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Ron Wheeler <
> wrote:

> We did exactly what you want to do.
> We built a learning management system that includes more than 70 jar and
> war files.
> We started out changing every version with each release but soon reached a
> point where most of the modules did not change as we improved the
> modularity of the system and as maintenance and new portlets became the
> cause of the majority of the new releases so even a minor release version
> actually only involved the core, some web services and a few modules.
> We moved to individually versioned  projects with a shared parent.
>  At the beginning of a development cycle we document the versions of each
> project that makes up the application.
> We have to be careful about upward compatibility but other than that, it
> works very well.
> We do not use CI.
> It seems to be more trouble than it is worth and I am suspicious that it
> can be used as a substitute for thinking or proper testing.
> We are also a small group so the sense of personal responsibility is high
> and communication is not a huge problem.
> We also use a lot of `provided` scope which keeps the artifacts small and
> free of third party libraries or our own libraries so that the 1.10 war has
> nothing in it that will conflict with any 1.11 jar file that holds the api
> or core or utilities.
> I hope that our experience is useful to you.
> Ron
> On 12/12/2011 5:23 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  Well, that's the problem..we don't want to release a new version of
>>> unchanged projects because it will confuse our users, especially for the
>>> api projects...
>>> maybe we did wrong using this kind of layout ?
>>> Thanxs for your answers anyways
>> In this case you should separate out the api module and use this as a
>> dependency in your project and release it separately...
>> Kind regards
>> Karl Heinz Marbaise
> --
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email:
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
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