
Developing with Eclipse IDE and JavaEE server using maven-eclipse-plugin you have to use profiles, because Eclipse does not isolate test code and test resources.

Only way to do it what i have figured out is to have two profiles one for running application in app server and another for unit testing same code. Those profiles has only resources and testResources definitions.

Separating test code for separate code is not an option, because then Sonar reports 0 % coverage.



On 1.3.2012 22:55, Ron Wheeler wrote:
On 01/03/2012 2:43 PM, offbyone wrote:
Ok so I should create a base pom with a war configuration and then a separate
pom for each site that depends on this with overlays to add the extra
configuration file.
I will try.

If I am interpreting your comments correctly, profiles allow for a user to flaten a maven build deployment, but this is a bad practice and it is better
to make your maven structure deep.

So are profiles going to be deprecated? I would think I am not alone in getting turned down the wrong path because most of the documentation/howtos
I have found point to using profiles.
There are some uses for profiles that seem harmless so it is a documentation issue.

It is fairly common in Apache documentation for the programmers to make a big deal about all the wonderful things that the package can do.
They are not particularly concerned about "Best Practices".

The most common usage is often left out of the documentation since it is "dull" or not very impressive. This sometimes means that obscure usage of features or seldom used features are heavily documented while the main use case is not described.

New Maven users often fall into the trap that you were headed into.

A really simple "Best Practice" that most people use, is hard to find in the documentation while an obscure "Worst Practice" is described because it shows how clever the software developers are and how powerful the product is.

There should be a "Best Practice" section on the Maven site describing the best way to implement the common software development patterns.

There are not really a lot of cases to consider but every new Maven user has to sort out their own case.


View this message in context: http://maven.40175.n5.nabble.com/using-build-profiles-for-WAR-plugin-tp5525954p5528994.html
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