you can copy applicable resources with maven-resources-plugin
 remember to hook the phase you want to bind to e.g. 
<phase>validate</phase>maven phases are listed 
Viel Gluck!
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 > Subject: Failsafe Plugin: How to get resource dependencies for 
 > integration-tests?
> Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 15:06:06 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Hello Maven Community,
> I have a complex setup to do for an end-to-end integration test. For
> this, I am using the Maven Failsafe plugin. As the test needs some
> resources to run (which I plan to put into Nexus as this feels just
> natural), I want to tell Maven that when the integration test is
> running, it shall download them and put them on the HDD. Is there a way
> to specifiy such "intergration-test"-scoped dependencies?
> Thanks!
> Markus

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