With Maven, you can specify the global settings file (-gs) and the settings
file (-s).
However, in Jenkins, you can specify the settings files (even severals)
through the Jenkins UI and choose which one in your job


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Mickael Istria <mist...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to know if it is possible to pass an additional settings.xml file
> to Maven.
> Here is the use case:
> We have a project, and CI is built on Jenkins. On Jenkins, it is allowed
> to deploy stuff onto Nexus. So the settings.xml for Jenkins specifies the
> necessary credentials in order to push to Nexus. We do not own the
> settings.xml file, so we can't simply modify it. Also, it changes often, so
> I can't simply copy it for my project and add what I want to it: it would
> get out of sync pretty fastly, and a lot of stuff -such as deployent- won't
> work any longer.
> For our projects, we would like to use some mirrors, that are specific to
> our project, and that may change often. Then it wouldn't make sense to put
> them in the global settings.xml (that we can't change as we want). So I
> want to have mirrors but can't edit nor replace the current settings.xml. I
> thought maybe there is a way to "append" another settings.xml file through
> command-line, for project-specific settings.
> Does anyone how to achieve that? Or have a workaround for my use-case?
> Thanks in advance for your insights.
> --
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
> My blog 
> <http://mickaelistria.**wordpress.com<http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com>>
> - My Tweets 
> <http://twitter.com/**mickaelistria<http://twitter.com/mickaelistria>
> >


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