Am 28.02.2013 19:47, schrieb Joachim Durchholz:
Am 28.02.2013 16:24, schrieb Jan Engler:
At first: in fact this is only one artifact. The full jar contains all
classes of the dependecies, the api a reduced set (using filtern in the
shade plugin).

Is there a (conceivable) Maven build that uses api.jar as a dependency?
Then it must be the main artifact at its GAV (groupId/artifact/version)

Is there a (conceivable) Maven build that uses full.jar as a dependency?
Then it must be the main artifact at its GAV coordinate.

If both jars need to be main artifacts, they need to go to different GAV
coordinates. Because the dependent projects that need either api.jar or
full.jar have no way of specifying which of them they actually need, the
dependency section in their poms can only specify the GAV coordinate.

That's not correct. The classifier is part of the artifact coordinates just like group, artifact(name) and version. A POM can just as well depend on a secondary artifact:


The complete coordinates of an artifact are GAVTC: group, artifact(name), version, type (default is jar), classifier (default is empty).

Even if I split that up into 2 projects, I cannot define modules then in
the pom, right?

I'm not sure about that, I was never quite able to figure out what their
purpose is.

They might be just what you need to manage deployment of multiple
related projects. But that's just a gut feeling I have; I'll leave the
answer to that to the real experts.

 > I need to do s/t like that:
- Build up all modules (to be sure that everything is up to date)
- Build the shaded artifacts
- cross-compile them (using ikvm)
- put the artifact with some other stuff  (doc, examples, dlls, etc).into
one zip (in fact three: windows, linux, mac)
- deploy all artifacts into nexus (or maybe somewhere else using wagon)

Whoah. That ikvm and multi-arch stuff is way out of my league.

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